Start living your bucket list dreams today!
Private, Members Only Social and Travel Clubs providing exclusive access to:
- Activities
- Events
- Fun
- Adventure
- Parties
- Friends
- Camaraderie
- Romance
- Travel
- Sports
- The Great Outdoors
- Charity
- VIP Privilege
- VIP Perks
- VIP Amenities
- The Best Restaurants
- The Hottest Clubs
- The Best Seats
Funseekers does all the planning, negotiating, organizing, promoting, and communicating, so all you have to do is sign up, show up, and have fun!
Social Events
Funseekers enjoy access to a monthly calendar of 30 to 40 local activities, events, and adventures in a fun, safe environment.
Social Travel
bSocial Trips (noun)
b • so • cial trips
1. curated, trips where fun and adventurous Funseekers travel together around the world in small groups of 15 to 20, or in large groups of up to 150 or more.
“At any one time, Funseekers enjoy access to up to 40 exciting, memorable, unique and affordable bSocial Trips in a fun and safe group travel environment.”
Social Giving
Funseekers is a “Club For a Cause” – we’re all about having fun while giving back and supporting children’s charities. Come experience that great feeling of giving back and helping others, as well as the camaraderie associated with joining thousands of other like-minded Funseekers in making a very real difference in the lives of children.